
Schoology is a digital place for teachers to post information about a student's course work, including assignments, discussions, and tests. You will find your child’s day-to-day grade in Schoology. Additionally, your child’s school may post daily information in Schoology. Students in grades 6-12 use Schoology.

English-What is Schoology?

Schoology Sign-Up For Families (English)

Schoology Sign-Up For Families, Translated

Finding Your Unique Code

Each of your children has a unique ‘parent/guardian code’ that you can get from the school or any of your child’s teachers. You can also contact the district's Helpdesk. Once you have the code you can either create a new parent account with Schoology or add a child to your already existing Osseo parent account. 

Creating Your New Schoology Parent Account


How to Navigate Your Parent Account

Adding Additional Children to Your Existing Schoology Account

ParentVue vs. Schoology with translations

ParentVue vs. Schoology

Click the > to advance the slideshow to view translations in Arabic, Chinese, Hmong, Oromo, Russian Spanish, Somali, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

Viewing Student Activity and Checking Grades, Translated

English-Viewing Student Activity on Schoology

Viewing Student Activity and Checking Grades (English)

Email & Push Notifications Settings             (For Families) 

Sending Messages in Schoology to Teachers (For Students & Families)


Google Drive Assignments


Reorder Courses