North Memorial teaches Osseo OEC students about emergency care skills and life on the rig (October 2022)

North Memorial Ambulance Services was able to visit Osseo OEC recently and introduce the students to one of the rigs, power cots, and the LUCAS CPR Device. Thank you North!  

Osseo students place at Minnesota HOSA's State Leadership Conference and qualify for International Competition (May 2022)

Osseo HOSA students attended and competed at the 2022 Minnesota HOSA State Leadership Conference. Those finishing 5th or higher qualify for the 2022 International Competition in Nashville! Results included: EMT - 2nd Place Gabriella Baltes and Samantha Longenecker, 5th Place Maya Bixby and Elena Bohlsen, Extemporaneous Writing - 3rd Place Samantha Longenecker, Sports Medicine - 5th Place Maggie Albers. Congratulations to all!

OEC students raise over $3000 for this year's Adopt-A-Family Project (December 2017)

OEC students worked hard to raise money to buy gifts for local families that could use a little help around the holidays.  They worked together to raise the funds, gathered wish lists from the elementary students, shopped, and wrapped all of the gifts.  

Giving to the Community- Osseo OEC Students continue Adopt-A-Highway Campaign (October 2017)

OEC students have adopted this stretch of Jefferson Highway since 1992! They volunteer their time and efforts throughout the year to help clean-up the highway.  Volunteer work is such an essential part of our program and our community.  We are proud of the OEC students for continuing to give back.

OEC students host CPR-A-THON (October 2017)

Emergency Services students performed CPR for 4 hours straight during OSH conferences to raise awareness for the district's Free CPR Week! 

Maren Strootman selected as CCX News Standout Student (March 2017)

Osseo High School senior Maren Strootman is already well on her way toward a career in medicine. For proof, consider this: Strootman is just one test away from becoming a nationally registered emergency medical technician.This week, Strootman was tested by having to insert an IV line into her teacher’s arm to draw blood. She also had to do it while our CCX News camera was rolling.

Changing Expectations, Osseo Health Science Magnet Students visit Boston Scientific (March 2017)

Junior and senior students from the Osseo Senior High Health Science Magnet visited Boston Scientific, a bio-medical tech company, last September. They had fun, learned about scientific manufacturing, and were surprised by things they were told. 

Congratulations to Sarah Moraczewski & Madeline Marasch for earning EMT Certification (March 2017)

Sarah (left) and Madeline (right) showed their skills on the National EMT certification test this month.  Both passed and earned their certifications.  Congrats girls!

OEC Instructors present at National Conference (December 2016)

Dave Casella and Gary Leafblad were asked to speak at the National ACTE Career Tech Vison Conference in Las Vegas at the beginning of this month.  They showcased the Osseo Senior High Opportunities in Emergency Care program which they have been building for almost 30 years. They inspired educators from across the country while demonstrating how they have spent their careers preparing high school students with the skills they need to be successful in a medical career.  Students learn and thrive in authentic learning experiences out in their community. Their innovative and educational opportunities have a lasting impact of the lives of their students and the community.  

OEC Students Adopt a Highway (November 2016)

Students in our Opportunities in Emergency Care program have adopted this section of Jefferson Highway since 1992! They donate their time to keep the highway clean and safe.  Investing in their community in so many ways. 

OEC Students attend Fall Camp (October 2016)

Many of our OEC students dedicated 5 days of their trimester to practice and hone their emergency skills at OEC camp.  Students have the opportunity to work in teams to provide medical attention to various emergency scenarios. Camp Pictures & Video

Health Science Students Featured in Boston Scientific Commercial (October 2016)

Health Science Students were featured in a Medical Technology Commercial hosted by Boston scientific.  Students had the opportunity to experience the research and development facility and learn form young medical and engineering professionals. They had the opportunity to interact with 3D dissection software, 3D printers, and inserting catheters into model hearts and vessels. They were able to see how doctors and nurses have found a fulfilling career path in the medical technology industry. VIEW COMMERCIAL