Research Resources

Encyclopedia for high school plus multimedia, timelines, world atlas, country comparison, and primary sources.

Information on states, countries and cultures.

Thousands of popular and scholarly publications across all academic disciplines and subject areas. Includes: Points of View, Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier, Business Source Premier, and Regional Business News databases.

Middle and high school-appropriate magazine, journal, and encyclopedia articles and also includes primary source documents, reference books, and multimedia.

ELM is a collection of research and information databases to be used by Minnesota residents through their school, public, academic, and state government libraries.

Unlimited access to digital magazines like: Popular Science, The Artist's Magazine, Vogue, Food Network Magazine and MORE! OSH subscribes to 28 different titles. Click HERE for username & password.

Learn 360 is a video service that Osseo Area Schools subscribes to for video content. Staff and students can find informational videos and other content to support research and classroom units of study.

Pro and con essays that present multiple sides of current or controversial issues with supporting magazine and newspaper articles, primary sources, and more.

Peridicos populares y diarios de habla hispana y bilinges, incluyendo el peridico en espaol El Nuevo Herald (Miami, FL). (Popular Spanish-language and bilingual periodicals including El Nuevo Herald (Miami, FL), a Spanish-language newspaper.)

Reference works, biographies, magazine and journal articles, primary source documents and multimedia.

Scholarly journals and popular magazines across all science-related subject areas.

Science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources covering numerous science topics.

Authoritative insight into the most-studied social issues by delivering the pros and cons from relevant, credible documents and graphics selected and curated from over 2,000 global sources.

Teen-friendly articles makes complex topics understandable. Insight into the teen experience—crucial for parents, teachers, librarians, therapists, and others who are a part of teens’ lives and support them.

Our local public library with access to ebooks, audiobooks, language learning programs and databases. Use your Hennepin County Library Card to login.

A wide variety of music, audio themes and sound effects that ensures your copyright safety for podcasts, PowerPoint™, videos, digital storytelling and presentations.

One-stop resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.