Osseo Senior High
Media Center
Library Books
Searching Destiny Discover electronic catalog and placing a book on hold is easy! If you have questions or need additional help, contact Jennifer Borgeson borgesonj@district279.org
Learn how to log in and search catalog
Learn how to place a book on HOLD
Students can request library books by using the Destiny Catalog to place a HOLD. Books will be available for pickup in the Media Center and students will be notified via Schoology Messaging when they are ready.
Check out an ebook or audiobook by clicking MackinVIA (pinwheel icon)!
For MackinVia, use the same username and password you use to login to a school computer.
Chromebook Tech Support
If you are having issues with your Chromebook, please send an email to help@district279.org and describe what the issue is and include your contact information so that a tech support person can follow-up with suggestions and support.