Daily Schedule
7:30 a.m. Office opens
8:00 a.m. Teacher day begins
9:15 a.m. Buses arrive
Students being dropped off are to remain in vehicles until 9:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Classes begin
3:50 p.m. Dismissal
3:55 p.m. Buses leave Glacier Hills
4:00 p.m. Teacher day ends
4:30 p.m. Office closes
Students should not arrive before 9:10 a.m.
Bicycles - Students may ride bicycles to school with written parent permission. Bicycles are to be placed in the racks and no bicycles are to be ridden on the school property during the school hours or one-half hour after the dismissal of school. Bicycles may not be left at the school overnight. Bicycles must be walked across intersections and on the school property.
Bus - Students must ride the bus assigned to them. They may change only by written permission from the parent and approved by the school office. Approval will only be given in cases of child care needs. Going home with a friend for a play-date is not an approved reason. For approved cases, the office will provide a bus pass that must be shown to the bus driver. Mass bus changes to accommodate groups of children will not be permitted.
Walkers/Riders - Students walking to school or arriving by car will enter the building immediately to relieve congestion and clear the driveway for others. Students that miss their afternoon bus should be instructed to report to the office immediately. Students are not to walk home when they miss their bus unless parents give their permission.
Early Check Out - Parents/legal guardians must sign students out of the building from the office. Once the parent arrives in the office, the student will be called to the office. Students will not be sent to the office to wait for parents. The office will call when the parent arrives.