Chapter Leadership

Kamya Chakravarthi

Central East Region President/Chapter Secretary

As Central East Region President, Kamya's responsibility is to run region meetings, plan the meetings, meet with state and local advisors, as well as attend officer training.

Abby Rajala

EVHS Chapter President

Both our presidents work together to coordinate when the chapter and leadership group will meet, organizing events, contacting sponsors, and making sure that FCCLA can participate in the events that it does.

Allison Champ

EVHS Chapter Vice President

Allison helps run Chapter meetings and Leadership Council meetings. Organizing events, attending events and recruitment of members.

Annika Ellis

EVHS Chapter Treasurer

Annika is in charge of keeping track of our chapter's budget on the activities, bus trips for region meetings, and food. Signing paperwork.

Riley Hetland

EVHS Chapter PR/Historian

Riley is in charge of taking pictures of all the shared moments and events that our chapter is involved in and updating our Instagram.

Brigid Coyne

EVHS Chapter National Programs/Community Service

Plans and executes community service projects our chapter is involved with. Helps with filling out applications for National Program awards.

Miley Charles &

Kristine Joseph

EVHS Chapter Fundraising/STAR Events/FCCLA Week


​Both of our Star Event Coordinators make sure that our chapter members are informed about what STAR events are, preparing them for competing, and assisting them throughout the process.

We are always looking for new leaders! If you are interested in becoming a chapter, region, or state officer, e-mail Mia Battistone about commitment, applications, and deadlines!

BECOmia.battistone@district196.orgME A LEADER TODAY!