<<< Track
participation agreement


Print, sign, and return to the coaches (or sign and return once we had them out at the informational meeting or at the start of the season).

Welcome to the team.

For meet results, head right here to Advantage Timing, and then just click the link for the meet in question.

2025 DHMS Track Information

There will be a more formal letter made available before Spring Break and an in-school meeting in the first two weeks after Spring Break, but here's some of the top-line pieces of information that many people will want to know and will be covered more extensively soon.

We're excited to see your student athletes this year. Again, more information will be coming out as soon as possible, thank you for your patience and for your interest.

2025 DHMS Track Schedule

If it's a school day, you should assume there will be track practice.

There may be times we warn you in the days ahead that there won't be practice, and other times there may be last-minute Schoology and loudspeaker announcements that practice has been cancelled, but aside from those times, assume that track is on for the night.

With the track season starting in mid-April, there will definitely be indoor practices while we await better spring weather. For those practices, be ready at the same time after school but in the cafeteria.

Our meet schedule for the season is currently as follows:
Wed, 30. Apr @ 3:45 - Eagan High School
(TIME TRIAL MEET  - no field events)
Tue, 6. May @ 3:45 - EHS
** Wed, 14. May @ 3:45 - EHS
Wed, 21. May @ 3:45 - Rosemount High School (DISTRICT GIRLS MEET)
** Wed, 28. May @ 3:45 - Eastview High School

** - we host this meet, so we'll be asking for volunteers

General DHMS Track Information

Middle school track presents the opportunity to push yourself beyond the limits of your stride; whatever you may think your upper limits of speed, distance, height, or effort may be, we're here to try and go beyond that.

Whether you're here to pursue a passion in one or more of the track & field events, to train to be a better athlete in the off-season of another sport, or to get out and be active after the long Minnesotan winter, DHMS track is a great place to be with, encourage, and challenge your friends (and make new ones, too!).

Whether you're a returning track veteran or you're interested in trying it out for the first time, you're in the right spot. We give students the opportunity to learn brand new events as well as improve on those they're already familiar with. So if you show up ready to run, listen, and learn, you'll leave the season more in shape and with more know-how than when you started!

See you on the track!

Coach Frost - kyle.frost@district196.org