Digital Tools for Learning

Students will use the iPad mini, along with existing technology tools such as Chromebooks, laptops and computer labs, to focus on three core areas of a dynamic learning experience. Some examples follow each area below. In each of these areas we are embedding digital citizenship to connect it to authentic experiences.

Access and Analyze Information Image

Access and Analyze Information -- Students access and analyze information, both print and digital.

Advanced Google Search Strategies - Students will understand that using the language of a Google search engine is similar to using the index in a book to find more relevant information. One strategy is to type site:edu after the key words to search for only educational websites.

Databases - District 196 has invested in high quality databases for students in grades K-12 to use for research and inquiry. Increased access will allow more intentional use of these resources in the content areas.

Collaborate and Communicate Image

Collaborate and Communicate -- Students with increased access to electronic devices have a greater ability to communicate and collaborate with classmates on school work during and outside the school day. Students share their thinking with classmates both verbally, in face-to-face interactions and in writing samples shared electronically.

Google Classroom - Students can do a "QuickWrite" about a topic or content area in Google Classroom. The teacher can customize the visibility settings on students' work: when is it appropriate for everyone to be inspired by each other's thinking and ideas, and when is it appropriate for student work to be for the teacher's eyes only.

Padlet - Using Padlet, students and staff can post thinking, images, video and documents to crowd-source ideas and learn from each other. Padlet visibility can be customized for the level of moderation and visibility (ex. password protected) for students and the world.

Innovate Create and Publish Image

Innovate, Create and Publish -- Students demonstrate their learning and understanding by sharing their own words, videos and presentations.

Notability - Students create notes with text and visuals to demonstrate their understanding of a concept.

Google Docs - Students write for an authentic audience where they bring in images created in other applications to enhance their writing and impact the reader.

Explain Everything - Student can create videos in Explain Everything using voice, visuals and text to explain their understanding of content and vocabulary. Teachers can then hear the thinking from their students.