8th Grade Information

CCS High School Family Night Dates & Times

CCS High School Family Nights 2025

If your student is attending a different CCS high school, the link above provides the dates & times for families to learn more about their school & the registration process.  

Rising 9th Grade Family Night Graphic 2025.pdf

2/22/25 Update


Before 2/26, please review the information below with your 8th Grader

Due to time constraints, The Cox Mill High School Family Night has been developed into a virtual presentation.

I've attached the flyer for Rising 9th Grade Family Night. Embedded in the flyer are the links to the rising family night video as well as the presentation.

I've also included the links below:

Rising 9th Grade Family Night Video

Rising 9th Grade Family Night Slides


A few reminders:

9th Grade Course Requests Google Form closes on 2/25 (Step 3)

CMHS visits HRMS to answer questions & finalize course requests - 2/26

CMHS Rising 9th Registration Website

In the presentation there is a QR code for parents/families to submit questions.  We will post the FAQ sheet to the CMHS website.


HRMS High School Classroom Guidance 2025.pptx

Rising 9th Grade Registration 2025

*If your child is attending another CCS school, they will have their own separate registration process, which will be shared at a later date.

During the month of February, 8th graders will begin to learn about Cox Mill High School and their course options for 9th grade. 8th Grade Counselor Ms. Scherzer will be visiting Social Studies classes on the following days to discuss high school registration:

Ms. Black's 5th & 6th period classes - Monday, 2/3/25

Ms. Broome's classes - Thursday, 2/6/25

Ms. Pelfrey's classes - Tuesday, 2/11/25

Ms. Glenn's classes - Thursday, 2/13/25

*If your child misses the lesson, Ms. Scherzer will be doing make-up lessons the week of 2/18/25 during Advisory. 

Ms. Scherzer's presentation: High School Registration Spring 2025


During this presentation, students will PRACTICE choosing their 9th grade classes. When they are certain of what they want to choose, they must fill out the Google Form in Step 3 on the Cox Mill High School Rising 9th Grade Registration Website by 2/25/25. 

There is no priority given to students based on when the form is filled out. Course requests will all be considered equally during scheduling. If you must fill the form out more than once, the most recent submission will be the requests entered into Powerschool.   

*Please be sure to review all of the information on the CMHS Registration Website with your student prior to filling out the Google Form. There is a Google Form under Step 4 to submit questions you or your student may have:

 CMHS Rising 9th Grade Questions  

*Please plan on attending the Cox Mill High School Family Night on Thursday, 2/20/25 from 5:30-7:00 PM to better assist your student with their choices. If you are unable to attend, the Registration Website holds all of the information that will be shared. 

*On Wednesday, 2/26/25, Cox Mill Counselors will travel to Harris Road to meet with all 8th graders, answer any remaining questions, & help students enter their course requests into Powerschool. If your child has questions, please remind them to bring those questions that day. If your student is absent that day, the choices they submitted on the Google Form will be entered for them. 

We encourage families to work together in assisting 8th graders with choosing the courses that are the best fit for them. Thank you for your assistance in setting up your student for high school success! 

Cox Mill HIgh School Registration

Cox Mill High School is excited to invite you to our CMHS Family Night on February 20, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. This evening is designed to provide valuable information about the transition to high school.

During the event, we will cover the high school experience, including academic options, extracurricular activities, and important upcoming dates. This will be a great opportunity to get a better understanding of what to expect in 9th grade and beyond. If you are unable to attend, there will be a registration website available that will include all necessary information. 

Ms. Scherzer, HRMS 8th Grade Counselor, will be visiting 8th Grade Social Studies class during the month of February to cover the above topics as well.

Additionally, CMHS high school counselors will be visiting Harris Road Middle School on February 26 to provide students with an overview of high school and complete the high school registration process. Registration will be open in Powerschool from February 20 to February 25, so please mark your calendars for this important period. On February 26, CMHS Counselors will be at Harris Road assisting students with finalizing their course requests in Powerschool & answering questions. 

We look forward to seeing you on February 20 and helping you navigate this exciting next step in your child's educational journey. Stay tuned to Parent Square and the CMHS website for updated information as it becomes available.


8th Grade Students will begin choosing their 9th grade courses in February at Harris Road. Before that time, there will be a family night at each high school, and websites with further information about courses and guidance on choosing them. Check back here regularly for updated information as it's made available! 

CCS School Locater Map (Updated 2/13/24) 

CCS High School Curriculum Guide 2024 

HRMS Classroom Guidance September 2024

Classroom Guidance Lesson 1

September 2024

Mrs. Scherzer will visit all Social Studies classes in September, 2024 to deliver this lesson. 

Copy of 8th Grade: Major Clarity- Assignment Details

Classroom Guidance Lesson 2

January 2025

Major Clarity  Career Exploration

HRMS High School Classroom Guidance 2025.pptx

Classroom Guidance Lesson 3

February 2025

High School Registration