Parent Resources

5 tips to help gifted children make friends

Making friends can be hard for any child, but for socially awkward gifted children or twice-exceptional kiddos, the challenge is only multiplied. While their brains are working on overdrive, and they can have an intelligent conversation with an adult expert in the field in which they are interested, put them in the same room with kids their own age, and all bets are off. And, because they often develop asynchronously, gifted children may lag behind emotionally.

gifted guru

These resources are just a few suggestions for launching places. If what you want is to know the fundamentals, this is where to start.

Psychology today

Feeling Intensely: The Wounds of Being "Too Much"

Buidling grit and resiliency

9 Activities To Build Grit and Resilience in Children- Grit and Resilience are KEY skills for our gifted children.

Early Finishers

It's inevitable... a gifted student is going to finish their school work early sometimes and want to know "what's next?" Here are some suggestions to give your children for what to do when they have some "spare time" in the classroom.

Camp kindness counts

Embark on an adventure of learning all about the tools you can use to be a force of kindness in the world. "My World" explores our connection to our self, and our ability to use our Character Strengths to take care of ourselves through self-awareness, emotional expression, and mindfulness activities. "Your World" explores social connections -- sharing Character Strengths to connect with and make an impact on the experiences of others. "Our World" explores global connections -- sharing Character Strengths with those we may never actually meet, but can make an impact on the experience of.