A C Blunt Middle School

Derick King, Principal- dking@apisd.org

Rachel Harrelson, Asst. Principal- rharrelson@apisd.og

Lura Chronister, 6th/7th Grade Counselor- lchronister@apisd.org

Sue Wood, 8th Grade Counselor- swood@apisd.org

Student Email Google Classroom

If you need student email login (same as google classroom) or temporary password, please contact Mr. King or your teacher.

Weeks 1-5 Assignments have been removed to make room. If you need to access them please email Mr. King

A.C Blunt students:

I hope all of you are staying safe, and working hard. This ongoing situation has created a new way of life for all of us. Everything in our lives seems out of our control, but I feel we are still Panther Strong! Still, I want you to know I am still here to support you. I am hosting a Zoom meeting from 1pm to 3pm every Tuesday and Thursdays until we return. The meetings will provide an opportunity for students to talk, share, or just check in. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity. If you would like to talk privately, you may email me and we will set up a time. Please check your google email for the Meeting ID and the password so you can join the meeting. ​

Just know we love and miss you and hope to see you soon. ​

Stay Safe!​

Mrs. Chronister​


flier online.pdf

Final Assignment-Student Reflection

Please Return to AC Blunt Office or email to dking@apisd.org

Student Reflection.docx
Athletics Information for the 2020.docx

2021 Athletics Information

Athletic physical form 2020-21.pdf

2020-2021 Physicals

Helpful Google Classroom Info for Parents and Students

Google Classroom Assignments and Submission.docx
Google Classroom Log In & Join Class Instructions.docx

Suggested Daily Schedule

6th Grade

Weeks 1-5 Assignments have been removed to make room. If you need to access them please email Mr. King

Week 6 - Neill
Week 7- Neill .docx
Week 8 - Neill .docx
week 7 Esquivel
week 8 Esquivel
week 6 Cribb
week 7- Cribb
week 8 Cribb

7th Grade

Weeks 1-5 Assignments have been removed to make room. If you need to access them please email Mr. King

7th Google Classroom Quick Sheet

Mrs. Sammons


Week 6-Sammons.docx
Week 7-Sammons
Week 8-Sammons.docx

Mr. Almendarez


week 6 - Almendarez
week 7 almendarez
week 8 almendarez
Week 6- Fore.pdf
Week 7-Fore
Week 8 Fore.pdf
Week 6-Jimenez (Online)
Week 7-Jimenez (Online)
Week 8-Jimenez (Online)

Coach Smith (Health)


Week 6 - Health - Smith - Chapter 13
Week 7-Health - Coach Smith
Health - Week 8 - Coach Smith

8th Grade

Weeks 1-5 Assignments have been removed to make room. If you need to access them please email Mr. King

8th Grade Team letter
30 de marzo de 2020
Week 6- Zapata
Week 7 Zapata
Week 8 Zapata
week 6 algebra.pdf
Week 6 Gunn
Week 8 Gunn
Wk 7 Gunn
Week 6- Steed.docx
Week 7 Steed
Week 8 - Steed
Science - Optional Items - that you may find fun
Week 6-Wood_8th Art.docx
Week 7 D Wood
Week 8 DWood

Mrs. Philpott


Spanish Week 6A
Spanish Week 6B
Week 7 Spanish
Week 8 Spanish (1 of 2)
Week 8 Spanish (2 of 2)

Mrs. Johnson


Week 6-Johnson
Week 7-Johnson_8th_BIM I
Week 8-Johnson

Optional Activities

Weeks 1-5 Assignments have been removed to make room. If you need to access them please email Mr. King

Mrs. Johnson


Week 6_Career Investigation
Week 7_Johnson_7th_Car Inv

Mrs. Dromgoole


Week 6 casserole.pdf
Week 7 Optional Activity Homemaking Susan Dromgoole May 4.docx
WEEK 8 Optional Activity Homemaking Susan Dromgoole May 11.docx
Athletics Information for the 2020.docx
Athletic physical form 2020-21.pdf

Coach Dromgoole


Week 7 & 8 Physical Education Activity Recommendations-Periods 2 & 3 Coach P. Dromgoole.docx
Week 7&8 Athletics Workout Suggestions Periods 7 &8 Coach P. Dromgoole.docx
Athletics Information for the 2020.docx
Athletic physical form 2020-21.pdf

Mr. Lichtenberger


Week 4-6 Lichtenberger

Coach Villarreal


Week 6-Villarreal
Week 7- Villarreal
Week 8- Villarreal
Week 6_31 Day Drawing Prompt.pdf
Athletics Information for the 2020.docx
Athletic physical form 2020-21.pdf

Mrs. Viar



Special Education Staff