

Talk titles


Matthias Kaminski: Speed of sound and chiral magnetic effect in expanding holographic plasma
Kenji Fukushima: Confinement induced by imaginary angular velocity and a conjectured phase diagram
Karl Landsteiner: From PT Quantum Mechanics to PT Holography
Matteo Baggioli: Magnetohydrodynamics from holography, no need to get high(er)!
Oscar Henriksson:
Holographic Higgs Phases


Nicolas Koven
sky: Isospin asymmetry and neutron stars from holographic QCD
Christian Ecker: Exploring the phase diagram of V-QCD with neutron star mergers
Motoi Tachibana: Holographic compact stars with superconducting core
Mei Huang: Dynamical holographic QCD model for hadron physics and QCD matter
Sang Hui Im: Axion dark matter with thermal friction


Francesco Nitti: Chern-Simons terms and Baryons in the V-QCD holographic model
Piyabut Burikham: Massive neutron star with holographic multiquark(MQ) core and MQ star from Sakai-Sugimoto model
Chang-Hwan Lee: Neutron Stars in the Multi-Messenger Era
Matt Lippert: Magnetic black holes and neutron stars


Shigeki Sugimoto: Nucleon D-term in holographic QCD
Dimitris Giataganas: The Role of Symmetry in Holography and Observables
Junggi Yoon: Negative norm state and non-unitarity (in TTbar deformation)
Chang Sub Shin: Exploring the Universe with Dark Light Scalars
Seung J Lee: Gapped Continuum (with AdS/CFT)


Shin Nakamura: Regularity condition for holographic conductors
Dorin Weissman: Hard scattering in models of holographic QCD