Workshop schedule

Talk titles

Bea, Yago: Novel aspects in relativistic hydrodynamics (pdf)
Bejger, Michał: Machine learning for gravitational-wave astronomy (pdf)
Cherman, Aleksey: Superfluids and confinement (pdf)
Demircik, Tuna: Dense and Hot QCD at Strong Coupling and Phenomenology in Neutron Star Mergers (pptx)
Domokos, Sophia: An Example of Glueball-Meson Mixing in Holography (pptx)
Ecker, Christian: On the Sound Speed in neutron stars (pdf)
Evans, Nick: Holography of novel phases of QCD at high density and neutron stars (pdf)
Gorda, Tyler: Constraints on strong phase transitions in Neutron Stars (pdf)
Hebeler, Kai: Nuclear matter at finite temperature from chiral effective field theory (pdf)
Henriksson, Oscar: Holographic Higgs Phases (pdf)
Hoyos, Carlos: Transport in holographic models of dense matter (pdf)
Janik, Romuald: A simple picture of domain wall velocities (pdf)
Kneur, Jean-Loïc: All order leading and next-to-leading soft modes of dense QCD pressure (pdf)
Komoltsev, Oleg: QCD in the cores of neutron stars (pdf)
Kurkela, Aleksi: Influence of pQCD to EoS inference (pdf)
Mateos, David: AdS/CAP (key)
Poutanen, Juri: X-ray polarimetry of accreting neutron stars (pptx)
Préau, Edwan: Holographic baryons (pptx)
Providência, Constança: Learning about high density nuclear matter equation of state from neutron stars (pdf)
Ramallo, Alfonso V.: Holographic Floquet on the brane (pdf)
Rebhan, Anton: Phase diagram and neutron stars in a hard-wall AdS/QCD model (pdf)
Salmi, Tuomo: Neutron star parameter constraints using pulse profile modelling with NICER (pdf)
Sanchez-Garitaonandia, Mikel: Mega-Hertz Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Mergers (pptx)
Schmitt, Andreas: Building a realistic neutron star from holography (pdf)
Seppänen, Kaapo: High-order corrections to dense QED: pressure and photon self-energy (pdf)
Subils, Javier: Magnetized confining solutions and their phase transitions (pptx)
Säppi, Saga: Dense pQCD at N3LO: (partially) soft contributions with HTL (pdf)