General wellbeing
Welcome to Wellbeing & Positive Education at Ao Tawhiti. Here you will find a range of resources and activities to help you build your knowledge on wellbeing, resilience and growth mindset. A wonderful place to explore!
During this time, it is helpful to have a look at some ideas and activities that can support our wellbeing. Please explore by clicking on links and having a look around. Hopefully you'll find something that you can connect with.
Kids explain mindfulness
Kids tell it how it is!
Superpower! YES!
Mouse and Hedgehog explain mindfulness.
Character Strengths- what they are and how you can use them!
Find out your character strength
Take a short survey and get to know yourself a little better.
Watch any of these to find out more about strengths in action!
You'll find some ideas here! What are some new ways you can come up with to use your Character Strengths?
Support for your wellbeing during COVID-19
A course and resources available to help during this time. Also useful in general day to day life too!SLEEP

Understanding Sleep
Things we've found useful
There's so much out there, and of course, everyone might need something a little bit different. Here are some other things we've found helpful.

Cultural Iceberg
Sparklers (Free Wellbeing toolkit for students up to Year 8) has released a "Sparklers at Home"
excellent reminders of how we can manage our own, and others, wellbeing. ALL RIGHT?
Reframe Wānanga
Your mental health is important.
Learn the tools to Reframe your situation.
Courses to help you manage mental health and wellbeing.
Wellbeing Models
Family Resources for Lockdown Bubble Time (Ages 5-18)
Awesome weekly ideas! Have a look and feel free to dip in and have a go at a few really cool ideas.
Awesome weekly ideas! Have a look and feel free to dip in and have a go at a few really cool ideas.