NCEA at Ao Tawhiti
On this page you can find information, tools and tips to help you chart and navigate your NCEA journey at Ao Tawhiti. Brent is the LA who oversees all NCEA matters at school: so seek him out if you have any questions.
Create your personalised NCEA Assessment Plan
We want you to be able to choose your own path through NCEA. This means choosing your colour block courses and sometimes choosing the assessments you'll engage with through a course. It's important that you know how many credits are available to you through each course you do, and how you're tracking through the year. An Assessment Plan, shared with your HBLA, will help you keep track of this.
Course Overviews
You can find these on the Arotahi under 'overviews'. They include information about the assessments available in the course.

Assessment Plan
This template is just one way you can map out your assessment opportunities. Your HBLA might have some other tools you can use too.
What's required at each level of NCEA?
60 credits at any level
and in addition
10 credit literacy co-requisite
10 credit numeracy co-requisite
60 credits at Level 2 or above
10 literacy credits at Level 1 or higher
10 numeracy credits at Level 1 or higher
60 credits at Level 3
10 literacy credits at Level 1 or higher
10 numeracy credits at Level 1 or higher
Level 3 NCEA and incorporating:
3 UE approved subjects with 14 or more credits
10 UE literacy credits at Level 2 or higher, made up of 5 reading and 5 writing credits
10 numeracy credits at Level 1 or higher.
Where can I get more information?
It is vital that you set up your NZQA learner account and login. Click on the image to see a slide show with instructions for setting up your login. You'll need it to sit some exams, to check your results and to see your marked exam papers.