Student Innovation Team


Below is from the 2016-17 School Year. Students didn't actually start until either January (Alpha) or March (Beta) 2017.

SIT in Motion

A grade 5 student created this Google Slide Show using some of the pictures and videos from our drawing, coding, and S.I.T. sessions.

The goal was to start looking at how to create a slideshow presentation and how to insert images as well as video into it. All grade 5 students learn how to create a slideshow presentation.

Next is a movie created by several of the S.I.T. members. Most of the videos were taken by a grade 3 student, Reagan, using an iPad. Most pictures were taken by the adviser. A good portion of both, but not all, were brought in to create this.

A grade 4 student, Gabriel, did most of the editing in this project. He edited clips to take out some of the shaking. He also added the music and some of the transitions. For our first year, we had a lot of FUN learning new things that just don't fit into the regular computer schedule.