Unit Vocabulary

Unit Vocabulary Lists (2) will be issued the first day of each six weeks. One list is for the student binder, one is to take home for studying.

There will be a Vocabulary Quiz every Wednesday and an Assessment each Friday.

After each second week, the Quiz and Assessment terms will increase; for instance, there will be ten of thirty terms the first two weeks, twenty of thirty words the second two weeks, then all thirty the last two weeks.

Please make sure our students are studying these terms! If a student misses a term on a quiz, it becomes homework to write each missed word with its definition three times. I will give each student a vocabulary list with the terms missed hi-lit. There are directions on the top of this paper. Completing the assignment will not only be a homework grade, but I will apply the credit to the quiz grade! This means that they can make it a 100% by doing the homework properly. If the homework is not turned in the next school day, the homework grade is a zero with no make-up.