world studies overall

  1. 1. What do you know now that you didn't before World Studies this semester?

I learned how to incorporate travel into a story.

  1. 2. How would you describe your work habits? (do you participate? complete tasks? do your best?)

So i do well and of course i will slack off but what i have found is that having music helps me basically ignore the people around me.

  1. 3. How would you describe your character? Did you demonstrate integrity, responsibility, respect, compassion, discipline and courage?

I did OK but i don't really have much to go off of because i wasn't here most of the semester .
4. What topics are you curious to learn more about?
I wanted to get more into clay work in art.
5. What else do you want your family to know about how you did in World Studies this semester?

not much i didn't get far enough to have much to say about this semester.