Book Study: A Long Walk to Water

1. What or whose perspective did you consider as a result of reading this book?

well i didnt get far but i think its the characrers pov but i was also able to see a third person view

2. What did you learn about human migration and why people move?

as i said before i didnt get far so i think the main reason to migrate in this is to get away from harm and try to survive

3. Would you recommend this book to a classmate? Tell them why or why not by giving them your favorite parts and highlights, or specific reasons why they may not want to read it.

yes this book is great, and i can say this because it has an amazing hook and it made me love the book almost instanly but this book is a war book and that isnt the best for some readers ;

4. What proof do you have that you met our learning targets?