soap craft

The purpose of the soap craft project is to cultivate precision in measurements  and enhance understanding of chemical reactions.

This is me making soap in makers. it was really fun. and washing our hands is very important because so you can not spread grems to others.

This my   3d  design that i did on tinkercat.i did glasses and a ball i like those things.

Reflection Questions

What was the final result?

to do the 3d scan on tinkercat . super broing

What do you know now that you didn't know when you started this project?

that a certain app like tinkercat could help us to do a 3d scan

What advice would you give to future students about this project?

it might be HARD but don`t give up on yourself and try our best.

What else would you like to try that you didn't have time for?

make fun of Blake for gum chewing.and call him a OLD MAN BABY. and rude nmaes with cuss words.

What proof do you have that shows you learned the project’s purpose?

to be responsable.