yo yo

Purpose: The purpose was to learn how to document on sites

Journal Entry 1#

Today, I used a whole saw. We, cut out circles to make our yo yo. We also had to sand them down. 

Journal 2#

Today, I finished sanding my second half of the yo yo and completed some work on journal entry one. I also Started to paint which happened to end horribly but i plan on fixing it tomorrow.

Journal entry 3#

today, I completed the glueing of the two together but one of the holes was to big so i had to put it on the self and leave it for the week. For an update from yesterday I repainted my yo yo and its looking much better.

What do you know now that you didn't know when you started this project? How to use a whole saw better 

What advice would you give to future students about this project?  Definetly make sure you get a clean cut with the whole saw and sand it down well

What else would you like to try that you didn't have time for? I would like to use the whole saw a little bit more cause that was really fun 

What proof do you have that shows you learned the project’s purpose?  I think just overall finishing my yoyo is proof that i learned something because i've never made something like that.