Annawan Schools

Remote Learning


Remote Learning Schedule

March 17-20 Continuity of Learning--No grades will be taken. No work is required to be turned in. Use resources provided by teachers to keep learning active (activities link - non screen)

March 21-29 Spring Break for Annawan 226. Students and teachers will be on break.

March 30 Continuity of Learning

March 31-Planning for Remote Learning-no student work

Remote Learning begins on April 1st-April 30th. We will get through this together.

Wednesday, April 1-Thursday, April 2: Use Genius Hour handouts sent home on March 16th for remote learning activities.

Products and presentations will be due upon return to school. (handout link)

April 6-30 Resources and directions for learning activities will be delivered by individual teachers. Please use their links for resources.


Directions on how to use your phone to scan a document to make a pdf

iPhone Directions

Android Link

HS Virtual Class Meeting Schedule


Students will receive feedback during remote learning. Work completion and revisions are important. Students and parents should view remote learning as an opportunity to continue academic engagement and maintain or improve current grades. Please communicate to teachers or administrators any hardships that prevent completion of remote learning activities. Our primary concern is the health and safety of district families.

If you need access to Chalkable (Some teachers may track completion using Chalkable.) please email Mrs. Wolf at

In your email, please include the following:

  1. your full name
  2. your grade 6-12 or identify yourself as a parent
  3. if you are a parent, the names of all students K-12