michael j tarr

Kavčić-Moura University Professor of Cognitive and Brain Science

Department of Psychology

Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute

Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

Courtesy Appointments in Machine Learning and in Robotics

office: 335D Baker Hall
email: michaeltarr AT cmu.edu

I will not be taking new trainees for 25-26

but CMU just hired Maggie Henderson, Jenelle Feather,
Jonathan Tsay, Xaq Pitkow, and Aran Nayebi

You should reach out to them!

how one person ended up working with me...

When people ask how I got into human-computer interaction, I tell them, "Well, originally I wanted to be a graphic designer, but a few serendipitous events changed my course. The first is that on my first day at college, in line at the computer store, I got into a conversation with a young guy with blue hair. It turned out he was a professor! He offered me a work-study job in his lab, and that opened my eyes to cognitive science. From there, one thing led to another…" 

— Scott Klemmer, Professor of Computer Science, UCSD (the blue-haired professor being me)

stuff i like to do besides science

bike riding / bike repair / bike building [1]

wood working / furniture etc.

science fiction (iain m banks [2], terry pratchett [2], neal stephenson [3], ann leckie, william gibson, arkady martine, ted chiang [4])

[1] Q: what is the right number of bikes to own? A: n + 1[2] Who I greatly miss[3] Except for any of his books with the word "Fall" in the title, which I am convinced were not written by him[4] Read "Story of Your Life" - amazing short story (and there is linguistics!)

neon labs (rip)