1. Who can participate in the speaker events?

Participants and guests are welcome to come to any - or all - of our three, topic-focused events.

  1. Who can participate in the Future-thon?

To participate in the Future-thon, a participant must be a current CMU student, register beforehand either with a team or solo (you will be matched with a team), and have attended at least one of the three speaker events.

  1. Do I need to sign up for speaker events?

Pre-signup will be required for event attendance, so that attendees may access the Zoom Webinar.

  1. Do I need a team for the Future-thon?

No! While you may sign up with a team of up to 4, you may also choose to pair with participants across CMU to broaden your horizons and meet new people from different schools.

  1. To participate in the Future-thon, do I need to attend all three speaker events beforehand?

No! However, you should aim to have all three events attended by at least one person on your team - these do not need to be the same person!

  1. Am I able to join a team that has already been registered?

Yes! If you fill out the registration form as an individual, there is a section that asks if you are joining an existing team. You will just need the team's name. However, the 4 person per team limit will still apply, so you cannot join a team that already has 4 members.

  1. How do I join the Discord server?

After the registration form has been completed, you and your team members will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the Future-thon Discord server.

  1. Do I need to use Discord to communicate with my team during the Future-thon?

No, you may use whatever means of communication your team prefers. However, the Future-thon Discord server will be used to send out announcements and answer questions, and a private voice and text channel will be made for your team before the event, to make it easier to utilize Discord during the Future-thon.

  1. What happens if I become unavailable and need to unregister?

Please contact studentsect@andrew.cmu.edu with your information if you need to unregister.

If you still have questions feel free to email us at studentsect@andrew.cmu.edu!