CS-JEDI Project

About the course

CS-JEDI: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Computer Science is an introductory DEI course taken by all first-year PhD students in the CMU CS Department (course number 15-996).

A course by PhD students, for PhD students. CS-JEDI's curriculum is unique in that it was designed primarily by a team of CS PhD students — see the acknowledgements section of our paper below for a list of contributors. It is also primarily taught by PhD students. As such, the course is tailored to the PhD student experience, teaching core DEI topics through the lenses of CS, academia, and STEM. For more information, see our course website.

Read our paper

Spring 2022 was the inaugural offering of the full course, on which we conducted an IRB-approved study. This study will appear at SIGCSE 2023, and the paper can be found below.

CS-JEDI: Required DEI Education by CS PhD Students, for CS PhD Students.

Bailey Flanigan, Ananya A Joshi, Sara McAllister, Catalina Vajiac. SIGCSE 2023.


The study describes the curriculum in detail, offers quantitative data on the efficacy of the course, and describes future improvements that will be made.

Adopt the curriculum

The CS-JEDI curriculum is open-sourced under a Creative Commons license, and it is designed for adaptability to new contexts, even outside of CS and academia. We encourage others to adopt the materials (either in part or in full) at their own institutions. If you want to do so, you can download the Spring 2022 materials from this page of our website. In addition to teaching materials, this download includes reference documentation on teaching logistics (see the teaching manual) and implementing the course in new contexts (see the sustainable implementation plan).

The curriculum is actively evolving, and new versions will be open-sourced as the course continues to be taught. If you have questions or want to discuss implementing the course at your own institution, please feel free to send me an email.