Towards the Future of AI-augmented Human Tutoring in Math Learning
An AIED 2023 hybrid workshop
AIED 2023 Workshop
Towards the Future of AI-augmented Human Tutoring in Math Learning
This full-day hybrid (online and in-person) workshop aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities of AI-in-the-loop math tutoring and to encourage discourse in the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) community on the development of human-AI hybrid tutoring and teaching systems. We invite papers that provide clearer understanding and support the progress of human and AI-assisted personalized learning technologies. The structure of this workshop will include presentations of accepted papers, small or whole group discussion, and a panel discussion focusing on common themes related to research and application, key takeaways, and findings imperative to increasing middle school math learning.
Date: July 3rd, 2023
Time: 9am-4pm (Japan Standard Time, GMT+9)
Location: WS-2 Room 101
Hitotsubashi Hall
National Center of Sciences Building 2F
Hitotsubashi University
Tokyo, Japan
Link to AIED 2023: