

Ziplock Bags (Gallon and Sandwich sizes)

Baby Wipes


Flair Tip Pens- for students to edit their writing and correct their work

Paper Towels- school paper towels aren't the best for cleaning up spills in the classroom!

Chapter Books- Feel free to donate any books your child has already read if you are planning to get rid of them!  

Construction Paper- for crafts and projects

Board Games, Card Games, or Puzzles- for indoor recess, fun Friday, and Midway United Unified time with our Learning Lab friends.  Encourage your child to recommend one you like to play as a family, or send in board games that you don't use anymore!  Third graders LOVE uno, jenga, jumanji, headbandz, monopoly, scrabble, boggle, etc! 

Paper Plates- for snacks and projects

Napkins- for snacks

Plastic Cutlery 
