What's the point?

The Turner PTO exists to facilitate cooperation between parents, faculty, and our teachers, as well as to financially support programs that fall outside the annual school budget. Our goal is to promote a positive and nurturing environment that will enhance the educational experiences of our children. We view these things as a happy cycle, with each instance of support reinforcing our goal.

And if this description sounds familiar to you, thank you for reading the 2022-23 welcome letter! 😏

What do we do with our funds?

We put them towards the school!

The majority of our money goes towards funding teacher requests. In the 2022-23 school year, we approved 100% of requests, which amounted to over $13,900 spent. Some of the things our teachers and staff requested we pay for included:

In addition to making sure our teachers and students have what they need in the classroom, we host events and support the school when they host theirs! Some of these include:

But we have plans for even more community-building events for the 2023-24 school year, so stay tuned!

What have we done this year?

Let us tell you!

As of February 14th in the 2023-24 school year, the PTO has funded: 

Most of the above list were teacher requests, but some—like Popsicles on the Playground and Merry Mail—were PTO ideas.