Surnames N-O


The following is a list of many of the surnames beginning with the letters "N" and "O", that have been involved in research projects, both completed and pending. This list represents the culmination of 25 years of research.

You will not find links here to information about the individuals researched, but if you have any interest in any of these surnames, or any that you do not see on this list, just send an email to Ancestors & Cousins. I would be happy to discuss any of these, or any other surnames in more detail.

Nabel, Nachemya, Nachman, Nachmani, Nachonson, Nackin, Nadege, Nadel, Nadelman, Nador, Nadrychna, Naegli, Nafe, Nagar, Nagel, Nagelkop, Nahmias, Naidich, Naiditch, Naigeboren, Naigles, Nail, Naiman, Naistad, Najenson, Najlis, Najman, Najmias, Najt, Nakamura, Nakier, Nance, Nancy, Nander, Nanes, Naomi, Naor, Naples, Naples-and-Sicily, Narefsky, Narens, Narosky, Nartates, Naruszcynsky, Narvaez, Narvis, Narwitz, Nasatir, Nash, Nassau-Dietz, Nassau-Saarbrücken, Nassau-Weilburg, Natan, Natanson, Nate, Nathan, Nathanson, Natter, Nauheim, Naumburg, Nausman, Naval, Navarra, Navarre, Navarro, Navry, Neal, Neale, Nebel, Nebler, Nebrida, Nedved, Needham, Neefus, Neeley, Neff, Negus, Neher, Neiderberger, Neiff, Neighbor, Neihart, Neille, Neilson, Neiman, Neimeier, Neiswander, Nejame, Nejamkin, Nelida, Nell, Nelly, Nelson, Nemas, Neme, Nemec, Nemerchansky, Nemirovsky, Nemitzenizer, Nemkovsky, Nemzoff, Nena, Nenner, Neola, Nequinto, Ner, Neraas, Neraas-Chasnow, Nerland, Nesheim, Nesis, Ness, Nessimoff, Nessinoff, Nest, Netherton, Netscher, Netter, Netterville, Nettle, Nettles, Nettleton, Netzer, Netzorg, Neubarth, Neuburg, Neuburger, Neuman, Neumann, Neureuter, Neuringer, Neustadt, Nevell, Nevers, Nevill, Neville, Nevins, Nevitz, Nevo, Newark, Newbill, Newburn, Newby, Newdow, Newell, Newenham, Newhouse, Newkirk, Newlit, Newman, Newmark, Newmeyer, Newmyer, Newsom, Newstat, Newton, Nicemboim, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Nickson, Nicolas, Nicolasa, Nicoletti, Nicoletto, Nicolettto, Nicoll, Nicolson, Niedelman, Nielsen, Nielson, Nieman, Niemi, Niepomniszcze, Nieto, Nili, Nilsen, Nir, Nirken, Niron, Niselson, Nisembaum, Nisenbaum, Nisenholtz, Nisnevich, Nisnovich, Nisseimboim, Nissenboim, Nissensohn, Nissenson, Nissenzohn, Nistor, Nitcher, Nitka, Nitkin, Nitz, Niva, Nixon, Noatstein, Nobili, Noble, Noby, Nocar, Nochomovitz, Noe, Noel, Nofsinger, Nogues, Nolan, Nolasco, Nollman, Nonant, Noogle, Noonan, Nooreys, Nordgulen, Nordine, Nordstrom, Norfolk, Norman, Normandy, Norreys, North, Northumbria, Norton, Norway, Norwich, Norwood, Noss, Nostrand, Notestine, Notkovich, Notkovich-Natan, Notyngham, Noveck, Novedvorski, Novet, Novick, Novikoff, Novinsky, Novit, Novogrebelski, Novogrudsky, Novominsky, Nowitz, Noxon, Nudelman, Nudenberg, Nuguid, Nunberg, Nunez, Nus, Nusan, Nusbaum, Nusinovich, Nussbaum, Nutas, Nutt, Nutter, Nye, Nyman, Nynke, Nystrom


Oathout, Obed, Oberdorfer, Obering, Oberndorf, Oberstein, Oberstien, O'Brien, Obsbaum, Obschansky, Obstfeld, Ocampo, Ocitinsky, O'Connell, O'Conner, O'Carroll, Oconnor, Ocson, Odescalchi, Odesky, Odl, Odo, O'Donnell, of Comer, of Kyme, Ofir, Ofra, Ogbolumani, Ogden, Oggero, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, Ogle, Ogorinsky, O'Halloran, Ohland, Ohlman, Ohlrogge-Carlson, Ohman, Ohringer, Ojeda, Ojerowski, Ojman, Okell, Okimura, Okita, Oks, Oksman, Okun, Olalia, Oland, Olavitz, Olcott, Olden, Oldfield, Oldham, Olds, Olejar, Oleon, Olesker, Olga, Olie, Oliff, Olim, Olin, Oliphant, Olivares, Olive, Oliver, Olivera, Olivero, Oliveros, Ollé-Laprune, Oller, Olmstead, Olmsted, Olney, Olofsdotter, Olsha, Olson, Oltean, Olub, O'Malley, Oman, Omberg, Omista, Ona, Onchet, O'Neal, O'Neil, O'Neill, Ong, Opalinska, Opheim, Opie, Opinou, Oppenheim, Oppenheimer, Oppenheim-Heildelberg, Oran, Orandi, Oransky, Orchansky, Order, Ordgar, Ordoñez, O'Reilly, Orejana, Orellana, Orens, Orenstein, Oreny, Orgad, Organek, Orientale, Oringo, Orisan, Orlandi, Orlansky, Orleans, Orléans, Orlian, Orlino, Orloff, Orlova, Orlowski, Orly, Orner, Ornita, Orosa, Orovitz, Orowitz, Oroza, Orozco, Orozeo, Orr, Orrego, Orsburne, Orschafsy, Orschel, Orsini, Ortega, Orthwin, Ortiz, Ortner, Orton, Orvik, Orwin, Orzeck, Osano, Osatinsky, Osborn, Osborne, Oseleznick, O'Shields, Osika, Osirof, Oslac, Oslack, Osman, Osmond, Osmun, Oster, Osterman, Ostrich, Ostroff, Ostrosky, Ostrovich, Ostroviecky, Ostrovsky, Ostrow, Ostwind, Oswald, Otero, Othium, Ottado, Ottene, Ottenheimer, Ottenstein, Ottilie, Ottini, Otto, Ottoboni, Oury, Oved, Ovelar, Overgaard, Overmiste, Owen, Owens, Oxman, Oyes, Oyler,