What is ROTC? (Reserved Officer Training Corps)

The simplest answer is that ROTC is leadership development. In each military branch of the ROTC, universities and colleges treat the program as an elective curriculum that students take on top of their required coursework.

In ROTC, you’ll have experiences that you will fall back on throughout your life. You’ll learn how to develop time management and mental discipline skills that will serve you in your military or civilian career, should you leave the military. ROTC consistently looks for students who want to excel, as well as students who are seeking a career in the military. Enrolling in ROTC means you will take classes in military drill; you’ll participate in “live” exercises that help you to develop as a person.

ROTC is also a source of scholarships. If you maintain at least a 2.0 GPA, you may qualify for a scholarship. If you enroll into the Army ROTC program and you win a scholarship, you will be required to complete a specified time of service in the Army. The same condition applies to students entering the advanced course.

Information was taken from the following ROTC Link: