Job Shadow/Internship

Job Shadows

Whether you’re unsure about your career interests or fairly certain you know what you want to do, WLC job shadow experiences are for you!

Who's Eligible? Any 10-12 grade student 

On average, shadows are typically two to four hours in duration. There are 3 different portals, or time periods, that students can sign up for a job shadow throughout the year. Transportation is the student's responsibility.

Find more information & the next portal opening on the workplace learning connection website: 


Internships are a great way for high school students to get experience, gain new skills, and learn more about different jobs and career fields. Talk to your high school counselor to determine if an internship is right for you.

Who's Eligible? Any 11-12 grade student who is on track for graduation. Any internship is a semester long, or summer long, commitment and will have it scheduled into their school day as an elective credit. 

Students are required to apply and interview during 2 different portals, or time periods. Mrs. Hardersen can assist you with the application process. Not all students are ready for an internship and may not be accepted into the program. Find more information on the workplace learning connection website: