Lucid Theater

a theater that dreams

Welcome to our site. 

WELLS AND WELLES opens July 20. Previews July 18 & 19. Closing Aug. 11.

TICKETS through eventbrite here

At City Lit Theatre, 1020 W. Bryn Mawr, Chicago. Please visit the Current Project page for additional details and the digital program.

Wells and Welles was inspired by a true bit of history: in 1940, Orson Welles met HG Wells at a hotel in San Antonio, when they both happened to be in town on lecture tours. It's two years after the infamous "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. HG was furious about Orson's prank. Now on this stormy night, Orson has come to HG with a favor to ask. 


Lucid Theater has a history of lauded productions in Chicago since 2017, including: Leda, Lean Scenes, Charlie Johnson Reads All of Proust, and Metadata.  We also have a podcast and YouTube channel. Originally called Continuous Dream, we were inspired to adopt the new identity of Lucid Theater, with the idea that a play is a lucid dream. Continuous Dream remains the name of our podcast, while our stage production wing is now Lucid Theater.

In the meantime, check out our podcast here on Spotify, with further info about the podcast on its own website here.  Feel free to reach out to us at Thank you for your support.