tools for research

Need to do research for a class project? Preparing for a debate?

Check out the resources hyperlinked below!

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For our enrolled Eagles, passwords for subscription-based resources can be found here.


Explore a wide selection of databases and e-books with EBSCOHost!

For research specific to Social Studies or History classes, check out ABC-Clio.

Heading to university soon? Meet your new best friend for academic research: JStor.

Organize your research with NoodleTools!

Helpful hint: NoodleTools is also available directly through your Amschool Google account! Simply log in to your Amschool account, click on the waffle and then scroll all the way down to the bottom.

Create quick citations with Noodletools Express!


Looking for more resources for your research? Click on the icons below!

Pro-Con is the United States' "leading source for information and research on all sides of the debatable issues of the day."

The World Digital Library lets you, "discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures and significant historical documents including books, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, journals, prints and photographs, sound recordings, and films."

Help us find new resources!

If you've got a great resource, let us know! Stop by the library or send us an email at We love learning about new research opportunities!