Welcome to the Rosicrucians in Rhode Island

Want to know more about us?  

Download a free copy of The Mastery of Life.

Our studies include:  The Mysteries of Birth and Death; The Illusory Nature of Time and Space; Awakening of the Psychic Consciousness; Human Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness; Mystical Power of Vowel Sounds and Mantras; The Creative Power of Visualization; Influence of Thoughts on Health; Development of the Intuition; Psychology and Mysticism; Metaphysical Healing; Sacred Architecture; Spiritual Alchemy.

The Rosicrucians are a community of mystics who study and practice the metaphysical laws governing the universe.

Founded in 1915 by H. Spencer Lewis, the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is the largest international organization dedicated to perpetuating the ancient Rosicrucian Tradition with hundreds of locations throughout the world and more than 80,000 members benefiting from the expanded awareness that comes through the Rosicrucian teachings and practices.

Our mission is to provide seekers with the spiritual wisdom necessary to experience their connectedness with the miraculous world around us and to develop Mastery of Life.

Are you a Mystic?  

Find out more here.

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 Videos and to Rosicrucian TV!

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 throughout the English Grand Lodge Jurisdiction!

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 Texts and Publications!

Where Do We Meet?  

There are no active in-person group meetings in the Rhode Island area at this time, but interested individuals are encouraged to visit the New England Region Website for information on other meeting locations.  

Members are welcome to attend online teleconferences hosted by the New England Region, as well as those being hosted anywhere throughout the English Grand Lodge jurisdiction.  To find out more, please log onto the Online Community.

Members and Non-Members (members of the general public) are always invited to attend online public teleconferences hosted by the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Department of Instruction. 

Finding or Starting a Group in Your Area

In order to enhance your experience of membership in our Order, we encourage you to affiliate with a local AMORC group.  

If a group does not already exist near you, and you are an active member of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, we encourage you to consider starting a Discussion Group in your community! Rosicrucian Discussion Groups are small gatherings of Rosicrucian Students and Seekers that periodically get together to discuss topics of interest.

If you would like to form a Discussion Group in your community, please send us an email to NewEngland@amorc.rosicrucian.org. 


To receive information monthly on events occurring throughout the New England Region, 

please consider subscribing to our E-Mail List!