We are taking a summer break in July - please join us when weekly teleconferences resume in August.

The June teleconference topics are shown below - please enjoy these and other teleconferences and videos on the RosicrucianTV channel on YouTube.

Meditation in Depth XIV

Meditation is the key, and central, practice of spirituality and for the mastery of life. Much progress can be made when meditation is practiced daily. How do I get settled to do meditation? How can I get more motivated to do meditation regularly? Can meditation help me to enjoy work? Does meditation assist those who are experiencing schizophrenia? Is meditation in complete silence the most advanced form of meditation? Will meditation help me face and learn from what I am avoiding and thereby help me make a breakthrough in living? These common, and not-so-common, questions and more will be covered. Join Hugh McCague as we continue to explore how meditation makes for the most direct and sure wise counsel in our daily lives and increases our well-being and capacity for service.                                                                                                                      

New Atlantis: Utopian Direction and Self-Mastery III

Down through the ages, philosophers and mystics have bequeathed to humanity inspiring stories of communities living in a harmonious manner. The ideals promulgated in these utopian tales have provided long-term direction for the evolvement and improvement of societies and the individual. As humanity has matured and attained, so have these utopian descriptions evolved over the centuries from Plato’s Republic to the “Rosicrucian Utopia” in the Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis. We will focus on a story published posthumously in 1626: New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon, a major influential figure in the history of the Rosicrucians. Join Hugh McCague as we continue to explore Rosicrucian laws and principles and their creative expression and application for the mastery of life, harmonious living, and service. 

Questions and Answers with Grand Master Julie Scott

Join Grand Master Julie Scott who will answer your questions regarding the Rosicrucian teachings and the Rosicrucian Order. For example, you may have questions regarding Rosicrucian healing or meditation practices or about the history of the Rosicrucian Order.
Please submit your questions by email to the Department of Instruction at instruction@rosicrucian.org by June 13.

"What Becomes of the Dead?" - Scientific Evidence Supporting the Rosicrucian Viewpoint

The age-old question of what happens upon the end of our physical life has been a central focus of human interest and of the major religions throughout the world. 

The various answers to this question generally fall into three categories: a) An immaterial and immortal part of a human being, oftentimes referred to as the soul, has a “judgment day” at the conclusion of earthly life and is evaluated as to the conformity of its actions with certain precepts and practices during its lifetime, and based on this assessment, is then admitted to an eternal paradise, “heaven,” or consigned to a place of eternal torment known as “hell”; b) After physical death, the immaterial and immortal soul reincarnates in another body and repeats this cycle until it attains a specific point of refinement as demonstrated by living in accord with certain precepts and practices during its earthly life or a particular type of consciousness; and c) No element of human consciousness persists beyond physical death and there is no so-called “afterlife.”  

However, aided by medical breakthroughs of the past few decades, the scientific method of investigation is being repeatedly applied to the question of “What becomes of the dead?” Julian Johnson will share some of this research, which provides strong evidence supporting the Rosicrucian teachings regarding reincarnation.

Joining a Teleconference

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Missed a Teleconference?

See the recording on our RosicrucianTV YouTube channel !!
Most videos are uploaded within a week of the original presentation date.