Missed one of our Summer Solstice Symposiums?
See the recording on our RosicrucianTV YouTube channel !!

 Our Fall Symposiums will be in September - stay tuned!
The Summer Symposium topics are below - see them on the RosicrucianTV channel on YouTube!

Are Plants Conscious? Revealing the Hidden Nature of Plant Intelligence with Julian Johnson

Research on plant life over the past twenty years sheds light on the enormous scope of intelligence evident in what were previously thought of as inert, passive living things. While laboratory experiments have demonstrated that plants adapt to their environments in complex and sophisticated ways, a fervent debate continues in the scientific community as to whether the many problem-solving feats of plants demonstrate that plants are conscious.

By contrast, the Rosicrucian viewpoint holds that a Universal Consciousness pervades all living things and only varies in its expression based on the physical forms available to it. This presentation offers powerful scientific evidence supporting the Rosicrucian viewpoint.

The Rosicrucian Art of Conscious Breathing with Ingrid Young

Though usually taken for granted, breathing is both an automatic and consciously controlled function. Rosicrucians use breathing techniques to increase their vitality, to deepen meditation, and to induce healing. These ancient yet simple methods are now being corroborated by contemporary science. Learn the answers to such questions as how ch'i, prana, and pneuma are related to what Rosicrucians call Spirit Energy and the Vital Life Force or Cosmic Essence. Discover the relationship between the breath and our existence as conscious beings. Learn which areas of the body affect breathing and how the heart, lungs, and brain function in harmony.

Experience a Rosicrucian breathing exercise while also learning about the esoteric meaning of the Universal Breath. 

Brain and Consciousness with Ese Magege

This presentation will examine the relationship between the brain and consciousness. We will explore the latest science, altered states of consciousness, and the impact of brain injuries on awareness to unravel the mysteries of consciousness.

Is there consciousness in the absence of brain function? Join us in this fascinating exploration of the mind-brain connection and discover the wonders of consciousness.

Celebrating the Summer Solstice with Grand Master Julie Scott

Join Grand Master Julie Scott in celebrating the Summer Solstice, which takes place this year in the Northern Hemisphere on Thursday, June 20. The Summer Solstice occurs when one of Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun bringing the longest day of the year and the first day of summer.

This presentation will include a special meditation attuning with the Sun and the cosmic essence that radiates from it, as well as with the pineal center, the psychic center that assimilates the largest quantity of cosmic essence.

Pondering the Nature of Self with Michael Shaluly

We naturally spend time pondering the nature of self, trying to discover who or what we really are. Some perhaps feel they have an iron grip on this concept. They affirm that they are so and so, believe in this and that, react to things based on all of the above, and so forth. But few of us will readily say that we truly understand the nature of consciousness, the nature of our true self, or even how our “individual” thinking processes come about.

Together, we will expand our thoughts into this perplexity to gain perhaps an inkling of an insight into the relationship we have with all things.

Missed an Event?

See the recording on our RosicrucianTV YouTube channel !!