Winter 2015 Rocky Mt Alteir Newsletter

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Winter 2015

Rocky Mountain Atelier Newsletter

Winter 2015 Regional Newsletter

Winter 2015 MRP Newsletter

Winter 2015 PPA Newsletter (unfortunately the PPA material was lost to a computer problem)

Winter 2015 RMA Newsletter

(scroll to bottom of page for RMA event schedule)

Atelier Master’s Message

Winter 2015

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

As we approach the holidays and the end of the year, as well as the beginnings of another new year, we are drawn to reflect on the past year, both successes and dreams not fulfilled. Essentially, each new year is another initiation granted by the Cosmic and we must be responsible for how we use the time given to us. Our leader, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin provides words for reflection of this coming initiation in another new year.

“The only initiation which I advocate and which I look for with all the ardor of my Soul, is that by which we are able to enter into the Heart of God within us, and there make an Indissoluble Marriage, which makes us the Friend, the Brother and Spouse of the Repairer …there is no other way to arrive at this Holy Initiation than for us to delve more and more into the depth of our Soul and to not let go of the prize until we have succeeded in liberating its lively and vivifying origin.”

As an Atelier, in 2014 we held three initiations for the Associate Degree and one each for the Initiate and the S. I. Degree. We have added new members and said farewell to others. We have a new schedule so that there will be a full day devoted for each degree intensive weekend. We will start the year 2015 with an Associate Degree initiation on January 10, 2015 and later in the year on July 11, 2015. Those home sanctum members desiring this initiation should contact me, for more information. Other Associate Degree initiations will be added as necessary.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Cosmic Wisdom!

Jeanette Elton

Jeanette Elton, Atelier Master

Traditional Martinist Order

719-538-8860 (home) Please leave message

Provincial Master’s Message

Winter 2015

Brothers and Sisters, Fraters and Sorores;

This journey we are on, this living and learning, this increasing our knowledge base through experience so that we understand better the meaning of life and our place in this universe—this journey is not down a one way street! We should not expect to take and receive continually without giving back at some point.

You have heard of the law of AMRA. Very simply stated it says that we need to return to the Cosmic in like kind what we have received. When we break the flow of Cosmic energy in whatever form, we can no longer expect to receive from the Cosmic. This operates on all planes, spiritual, material, economic, educational, social, and so on. Now, I could focus this message in the necessity to financially support your spiritual source such as a church, a synagogue, a mosque, the Pronaos, or the Atelier. They are all in need of your support and provide you with many levels of rewards. But I want to talk about other ways to pay back the abundant gifts that our spiritual quest has given us.

What have we learned in our mystical studies? Have you learned to do astral projection or how to move matches on the surface of water with your mind? Have you learned to heal the sick or to mentally create an event you wanted? These are all very wonderful talents that we are taught and they deserve our gratitude and repayment. But the main thing you have been taught, perhaps unconsciously, is to LOVE. All these abilities are for naught unless we use them to spread love, compassion, and true caring in this poor, challenged world. Love can take many forms and you have to find the form that best suits you.

Grand Master Chris Warnken visited our region many decades ago and delivered a talk at a convention here. I don’t remember the total content of the message but one phrase has always stuck with me. WE MUST SEEK OUT DOORWAYS TO SERVICE. He was saying that it is our duty as mystics and enlightened human beings to always search for ways to help our fellow human beings. No matter how much or how little we have learned in whatever area of study or experience, we have an obligation to reach out our hand and help others that are in need of our knowledge and talents.

Both our capacity to love that has been expanded through our studies, and the law of AMRA, demand that we find ways to help our fellow man.

I encourage you to find your gifts, your means of repaying the Cosmic account upon which you have been drawing. You may have money to help support an educational cause such as AMORC. You may have some advanced talent such as painting, making music, dancing or such that you can teach. You may have higher education in some area which you can use to instruct children or even adults. We all have some form of genius that others need. Please find yours and share it with the world. It is only through completing this circuit of Cosmic energy, this receiving and then giving, that it will continue to flow to you.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

David Schloegel, F.R.C.

Provincial Master

Traditional Martinist Order

Rocky Mountain Atelier Schedule 2015