Winter 2015 Mountain Rose Pronaos Newsletter

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Winter 2015

Mountain Rose Pronaos (MRP) Newsletter

Winter 2015 Regional Newsletter

Winter 2015 MRP Newsletter

Winter 2015 PPA Newsletter (unfortunately the PPA material was lost to a computer problem)

Winter 2015 RMA Newsletter

(scroll to bottom of page for MRP schedule)

Mountain Rose Pronaos (MRP) Master's Message

Three years ago I returned to my native Colorado following retirement from a position with the U. S. government which kept me in Maryland for the past 40 years. I am pleased to find an affiliated body of AMORC, the Mountain Rose Pronaos, here in Denver. I find it very good to be able to attend the pronaos and associate with people of like mind. As we go about our lives we find ourselves among many people who do not understand the world the way Rosicrucians do and we can feel rather isolated. It is a real pleasure to meet with and talk to people who share our own understanding of things. I am grateful to the Rosicrucians of Colorado who have maintained an affiliated body here in Denver through the years. I feel that I have a home base in the Mountain Rose Pronaos and want to help keep it operating for myself and for the many other Rosicrucians residing in the area now and in the future.

I encourage all others who share our desires to understand ourselves and our spiritual relationships to join us at the pronaos and together we can further our understanding and spiritual growth while associating with those of like mind. William Bacher

Light, Life and Love,

Bill Bacher, Master

Mountain Rose Pronaos

MRP Winter (Jan, Feb, & March ) 2015 Schedule

RC Books image

Book Solon

Feb. 1- A Thief of Time by Tony Hillerman

March 1- The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid by H. S. Lewis