Spring 2015 Rocky Mountain Atelier Newsletter

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Spring 2015

Rocky Mountain Atelier (RMA) Newsletter

(scroll to bottom of page for RMA event schedule)

Atelier Master’s Message Spring 2015

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Rocky Mountain Atelier has scheduled the next Associate Initiation for Saturday, July 11, 2015. Any home study member of the Traditional Martinist Order may apply to receive this initiation by completing an Application for Temple Initiation found at TMO Application or by contacting Jeanette Elton at je4tmo@gmail.com or David Schloegel at d.schloegel@msn.com The application must be submitted to David Schloegel—Provincial Master or Jeanette Elton—TMO Provincial Master, by June 29, 2015 in order to be considered for this initiation.

The Initiate Initiation is scheduled for December 12, 2015, and the S.I. Initiation will be conferred on December 13, 2015. If you are interested in any of these above mentioned initiations, please contact me for further information.

Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin reminds us that prayer constitutes essential nourishment for humanity and that it is through prayer that the soul can unite with the divine. With this thought in mind I cannot help but remember that the disciples of the Master Jesus asked him to “teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

With such powerful words, I submit the words of an anonymous email:

  • A life without purpose is barren indeed.
  • There cant be a harvest unless you plant seeds.
  • There cant be attainment unless there's a goal.
  • And mans but a robot unless there's a soul.
  • If we send no ships out, no ships will come in,
  • And unless there's a contest, nobody can win.
  • For games cant be won unless they are played,
  • And Prayers cant be answered unless they are prayed!
  • So whatever is wrong with your life today,
  • You'll find a solution if you'll kneel down and pray.
  • Not just for pleasure, enjoyment and health,
  • Not just for honors, prestige and wealth,
  • But pray for a purpose to make life worth living.
  • And pray for the joy of unselfish giving.
  • For great is your gladness and rich is your reward,
  • When you make your life's purpose the choice of the Lord.

Our Martinist teachings have given us a start, but it requires a daily commitment to both prayer, practice and gratitude. Let us not be weary and always be mindful of the benefits bestowed us on by Martinism.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom.

Jeanette Elton, Master

Rocky Mountain Atelier

Provincial Master’s Message Spring 2015

As we proceed in our studies, in our experiments, in living our lives according to the dictates of the God of our hearts, we grow in understanding. Our concepts of the nature of the universe, our place within the universe and the very nature of God and creation grow. These concepts become better defined and clearer as our experience and knowledge grows. As we continue in our Work, as we gather more and more experience and learn more about all these things our concepts expand and we have an even better and clearer concept of God, His works, His motives, and our place in the larger scheme of things. This process continues throughout our mystical journey of life. We pick up little pieces of information here and there that we incorporate into our conception of the spiritual world and our understanding grows.

A pitfall that I fell into in the last few years is to think that I had a pretty good understanding of all this – that my conception of creation was getting close to being complete. To quote the bard, “Oh what fools these mortals be.” I should have known better. Every once in a while you read something, or you hear someone say something that turns your world, your understanding of the world, upside down. Well that happened to me and I could “see” into the cosmic world so much further than before. My previous concepts were but a dot on the page of the whole, real, workings of the Cosmic. And so I learned a great lesson – don’t think you have all the answers.

And so I will pass this lesson on to you. Whatever your conception of God, of the Universe, of the spiritual realm, remember that your understanding is a work in process. You are here on the earthly plane to find your true self and that this is a process of discovery – a PROCESS of discovery. Once you have all the answers there is no longer a reason to be here and you will leave. Until that time you have to remain open to new concepts and new understandings. Don’t lock the door of your mind.

I want to leave you with a phrase that I hope you will always remember on your mystical path. “Whatever your conception of God and His works, THERE IS SO MUCH MORE.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

David Schloegel, F.R.C.

Provincial Master

Traditional Martinist Order

The Fool

Rocky Mountain Atelier Schedule 2015