Spring 2015 Pike's Peak Atrium Newsletter

Spring 2015

Pike's Peak Atrium Newsletter

(scroll to bottom of page for PPA event schedule

Pikes Peak Atrium Group Leader Message

Greetings Fratres and Sorores! I wish to share with you the AMORC Creed for Happiness. I believe you will find the meaning in it that is meant just for you!

Creed For Happiness

  • I shall begin each morning unafraid and shall seek the wonderful gift that the day will bring to me. I shall be guided by intelligence rather than belief and I shall see truth and ignore no fact. I shall control my thoughts and guide them into the highest realm, holding my cherished ambitions and sacred ideals uppermost in my mind.
  • Throughout the day I shall enjoy all the beauty of my surroundings. I shall glory in my associations and aspire to the exaltation that comes with love of God and of Mankind.
  • I shall forgive freely before forgiveness is asked. I shall harbor ill thoughts toward none. I shall fulfill every trust. I shall remain poised and serene in every trial and face each emergency without fear.
  • I shall be friendly and courteous toward all. To me each day will be one of kindly deeds and unselfish love. I shall obey those in authority and give loyalty to all to whom loyalty is due. I shall be clean in body, action and thought. I shall revere my God and have the utmost respect for the religious convictions of my fellows.
  • To obtain the most from life, I shall give the best that I give. At all times will I enthrone and eliminate the motive of gain. I shall perform each task cheerfully. I shall build and not destroy.
  • And so will I come to the end of each day with the satisfaction brought by service, serenity, kindness, and love. I shall go to my rest with the peace that comes from an untroubled mind and the memory of tasks well done.

With wishes for Peace Profound.

Terry Orlikoski

Outgoing Group Leader Reflections


This past year has been one of expansion for Pikes Peak Atrium - and we have also said Good-bye to some members who have moved out of the area.

Pikes Peak Atrium has begun some experiments in place of some discourses during the Convocations, as was requested by a few members last year. We have also begun an introduction to Kabala class held on a monthly basis that will be ongoing for some time to come. This class is based on the AMORC monographs - The Kabala Unveiled - which are no longer available in printed form but thanks to the class preperation by Soror Judith Stewart, will be presented in a form that is Open to The Public.

The Atrium Library has been uncovered from the boxes which held it in the storage closet. These will now be available for members to access.

It has been an honor to serve the Atrium and its members during this past Rosicrucian Year. The leadership is now handed over to a new Light for the Atrium who will lead us for the coming year with brilliance and inspiration.

With wishes for Peace Profound,

Terry Orlikoski

PPA News April-June 2015

Pikes Peak Atrium has held the June AMORC Peace Ceremony, the September Memorial (Pyramid) Ceremony, and the December Festival of Light Ceremony for the first time in many years in Colorado Springs!!! The energy we are building together in the Atrium is amazing! Beginning in January 2015 and continuing on a monthly basis on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, and we will be holding an Introduction to Kabala Class that is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. We will hold this class in the antechamber of the American Room on the 2nd floor of the Masonic Lodge located at 1150 Panorama Drive in Colorado Springs, CO. Please share this with anyone that may be interested in attending. Please bring paper and a writing utensil for this incredible class that has been developed by Soror Judith Stewart. However, due to unforeseen events, Sr Judith will be unable to present this class to Pikes Peak Atrium but she has generously given her class materials to Sr Terry Orlikoski who will present this in 2015 and beyond during each month in Colorado Springs, CO.

Pikes Peak Atrium will continue to hold a Neophyte Degree Forum that is open to all AMORC members on the 4th Tuesday of each month. Please join us at 7:00pm! The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 8:00pm will feature the Atrium Convocation. Please bring your credentials and current AMORC dues receipt for the Guardian to check before entering the Convocation.

All Convocation/Forum meetings held in the American Room on the 2nd floor of Masonic Lodge Please note the outer door to the Masonic Lodge will only have limited access due to vagrants entering the building. Pikes Peak Atrium will have a member by the outer door until around 7pm and then a member will again come down again after the 7:00 Neophyte Degree Forum somewhere between 7:45pm and 8:00pm when Convocation begins to allow any members who have arrived late to enter for Convocation

The address of the Masonic Lodge is 1150 Panorama Drive in Colorado Springs, CO. Please feel free to contact the Group Leader via email terry_orlikoski@yahoo.com if you have any questions. The cell phone number will be supplied to you on a personal basis, rather than to list it on this website.

Pikes Peak Atrium Schedule—April - June 2015

Please remember to bring your current AMORC membership statement receipt and key number to a MEMBERS ONLY meeting.