Ngā Mahi a Te Rēhia

Te Whānau Oranga Māori

Lyrical adaptation Dame June Mariu

Tune “The Rose

Te whanau oranga ori

E mihi ana e tangi nei

Te kaupapa o te whānau

Me awhi me tiaki

E ngā iwi ahakoa nō hea

Aroha ki te tangata

“He aha te mea nui o te ao nei

He tangata, he tangata”

Tautoko kia tangata

Hūmarire, whakapono

Kia mau ki ngā tikanga

Tō tātou oritanga

kaha, ora, mana, Māori

Taha tinana, taha ngākau, hinengaro, wairua

The healthy lifestyle whanau

Greets and weeps with you

The kaupapa of the whānau

is to embrace, and to care for

All people no matter where from

Love to all mankind

"What is the most important thing in this world

It is people, it is people"

Support that we stand tall

Humbly and in truth

Holdfast to our traditions

Our Māoritanga (heritage)

Be strong, be healthy, be proud/fit, be Maori

Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually

Magic People

Dave Para & Molly Para

You're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me,

With your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Māori

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me, with your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Maori

In this crazy ole world that we live in today,

How is it to have all the say,

Where people don't care about good clean air just blowing people away,

And I wonder inside where the answer might lie,

I turn to the helm of today,

I say come on kids, come on and give it a try, you show us the way,

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me,

With your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Maori

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me,

With your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Maori

E tipu e rea e nga ra koha arohi to iwi e

To mata ki mata mo tupuna

To wairua ki te ariki

Te koutou katoa te rangatahi, e aranga mo te ao katoa

Kia mau kia kaha pupuritia

Te mana o nga tupuna

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me,

With your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Maori

Because you're magic young people to me, you're magic people to me,

With your heads held high, let your voices cry,

Be proud to be Maori

Because you're magic young people to me,

Because you're magic young people to me,

Because you're magic