Lesson Number One

Places of our city

In this lesson, we will take a look at some places that we usually find in a city and in our neighborhood.


In the following link you will find a great page where you will see an image of a place and its respective definition. You just have to click on the image. In addition, on the left side you will find a series of activities that will help you better understand the "flashcards"

En el siguiente enlace encontrarás una página genial en donde verás una imagen de un lugar y su respectiva definición. Solo debes hacer click en la imagen. Además, en el costado izquierdo encontrarás una serie de actividades que te ayudarán a entender mejor las "flashcards"

Here is the link: https://quizlet.com/co/508847547/recongnizing-our-home-cap-1-flash-cards/?x=1qqt

Word Scramble

After you have seen the flashcards and have done the activities on the previous page, complete the following Word Scramble

After doing this, participate in a our forum by saying :

  • what other places are missing in the flashcards.

  • Use your neighborhood as reference and think about what place we should add.