Final Lesson


In this final activity we will evaluate your written and oral part. This is the end, so try your best.

Activity number one.

Write a text where you describe your city and your neighborhood. Remember to use all the elements that we have seen in the previous lessons. Here is an example of how you can do your text. Be creative...

Copia de My City-convertido.pdf

Once you finish your text, send it to my institutional email

Activity Number Two.

We need to hear you. Record your voice from your cell phone or an application that allows you to do it. Tell us how you describe your city. If you want to read the text you made, no problem. I suggest that you work with a partner and do a kind of interview. Once the recording is finished, send it to my institutional email.

Here you have an example. This audio was recorded with the app Audacity and uploaded at Soundcloud (is for free). You will find a tutorial to use Audacity below.


Si no te deja abrir el archivo, echa un vistazo a mi perfil de Soundcloud