Language Arts

We will be using the Wonders Reading Program and RAZ Kids for reading instruction this year. While there typically won't be any written reading homework to complete, your child will be expected to read 20 minutes each night. Students may read books they have at home or books found online through Epic, RAZ Kids, or the virtual library included below! Click the links below for video explanations on how to pick "good-fit" books. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

How to Choose a Good-Fit Book

Five Finger Rule

Condensed Library

Check out these tips on reading to your child at home.

"When I say to a parent 'read to your child', I don't want it to sound like medicine. I want it to sound like chocolate."

-Mem Fox

Grade 3 ELA.pdf

Interested in a Parent's Guide to Reading? Let me know and I would be happy to send you this resource.