Book Tasting


Check with the library for additional ways we can help promote books and reading in your classroom!

Treat your students to a delicious book tasting!

Books are a lot like food. Some students have a pickier palate than others, and sometimes they have to taste the book before they know they'll like it. Bringing your students to a book tasting is the perfect way to expand their palate and whet their appetite for a good read.

What to expect:

Each book tasting will be set up in the library with platters full of books and music for a relaxing mood. Each table will be set up with a different special of the day (i.e. different genres, new books, themes, topics, etc.). Students will have 5 minutes to taste the menu options on their table. We encourage students to really dig in and sample each book by reading the back cover, flipping through the pages, looking at the illustrations, and begin reading the first chapter. After the 5 minutes is up, students will rotate to the next table for a different special of the day. Students are encouraged to take books they want to continue reading or make a list of books they want to read in the future.

Depending on how many books you want your students to sample, the lessons usually take 25-45 minutes.

We would love to customize the menu with books that are relevant to topics you are learning about in class!

Sign up with Mrs. McCarty and give students the opportunity to sample a lot of juicy reads in a short period of time. Your students will come away with a wish list of titles they want to devour.

Book Tasting Session Ideas:

  • New arrivals

  • Popular and award-winning titles

  • Biography and narrative non-fiction

  • Books that address themes and topics being discussed in class.

  • Different genres

  • etc.