1. What is the AHS PTSA?

PTSA is a non-profit organization that advocates for the betterment of students and teachers at our school. PTSA members work directly with the school administration to help support the programs and initiatives for students.


2. Why join AHS PTSA?

When you become a PTSA member, you will be part of the national PTA. You will also be eligible to vote at PTSA meetings on important school matters and advocate for students. 

3. How are membership/fundraising funds used?

PTSA provides the following to students and staff:


4. What is my role and responsibilities as a member?

You may attend any PTSA association meeting. Your attendance is not mandatory, but members in attendance can participate and vote on what activities will be offered to students, parents and staff, and how the funds will be spent.

PTSA Association meetings are held on 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm via zoom. Please check this website for up-to-date changes on dates. To become AHS PTSA member, please visit the membership page.