Cross-listing courses

After reading through this, if you have any questions, reach out to your Digital Learning Specialist BEFORE starting.

Cross-listing courses:

Cross-listing allows you to move section enrollments from individual courses and combine them into one course. This feature is helpful for instructors who teach several sections of the same course and only want to manage course data in one location.

Click here for a preview of a cross-listed course.

Don’t cross-list until you are completely finished with the first six weeks grades that are in Canvas that need to be entered into Skyward

If you have students that have submitted work for the second six weeks, everything needs to be graded for the second six weeks! You will lose the submitted student work, BUT the grades will NOT be lost if you follow directions below.

Once you cross-list it cannot be undone!

You will no longer see the courses on your dashboard that have been cross-listed into your main course. All cross-listed classes will share a gradebook. See your DLS for questions.

Since we have grades already taken and separate course designs you must back-up the course, export grades, cross-list sections, then import grades back to course.

***The following are step-by step instructions with a video tutorial link at the top of each document as well.

1. Back-up course (if you don’t have content in a Master Course)

2. Export grades (Does not export student work, just grades.)

3. Cross-list sections

4. Import grades (Grades will not contain student work, it will no longer be available to you.)