International Thespian Society
Troupe #2955
The Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) is an international association with more than 100,000 active members. EdTA’s mission is shaping lives through theatre education; honoring student achievement in theatre; supporting teachers by providing professional development, resources, and recognition; and influencing public opinion that theatre education is essential and builds life skills. EdTA is the home of the International Thespian Society, an honorary organization established at nearly 5,000 schools, which has inducted more than 2.4 million theatre students since its founding in 1929.
Alvin ISD is a 2023-2024 Texas Thespian Premiere Community for Theatre Education!
What is a thespian?
During the sixth century B.C., one of the writers of tragedy who won the approval of the priests at the Festival of Dionysus was Thespis. About 535 B.C. a new dimension was added to drama when Thespis, who was a prominent leader of the Greek chorus, stepped from that group and recited portions of the drama alone. In the moment he separated himself from the chorus, Thespis became the first actor. We also believe that it was he who first used masks so that a person could portray more than one part.
Because of Thespis, all actors are called Thespians.
What is a TROUPE?
The Thespian troupe is a subset of the Yellowjacket Theatre Company. It is our student honor society for Theatre students (a separate student organization), and membership is earned. Only students who have been officially inducted and registered with the International Thespian Society are members.
Students pay a one-time fee of $35 to be inducted into ITS Troupe #2955 at Alvin High School. Once inducted as a Thespian, a student can remain a Thespian in Good Standing as long as they demonstrate adherence to Alvin ISD Extracurricular Code of Conduct policies.
The recognition students gain through induction in ITS signals to colleges and employers their leadership, service, and extracurricular achievements. It gives theatre students the same validation common for sports or academic success.
Thespian festivals provide students and teachers with unparalleled learning, recognition, and engagement ― at both the chapter and international levels. Regional and national events offer Thespians a chance to compete for thousands of scholarship dollars, earn commendation through competitions, and audition for hundreds of college theatre programs.
I'm interested! how do i join?
Eligibility for membership is determined through a point system. Students need 10 points to join the troupe.
Every spring, eligible students are invited to join Troupe #2955, pay the $35 induction fee, and are celebrated in an induction ceremony meeting. Though we have Thespian meetings, there is not a requirement to maintain membership once inducted.
Once inducted, students are ranked and leveled by the number of points they have. These ranks help distinguish them on college applications and resumes.