The Off Broadway 


The Mission & Vision

Our Mission:
The Off-Broadway Theater enhances and advocates artistic excellence through a valuable insight into our humanity, the opportunity to embody and express social reality, and the reflection on community and personal identity. 

Our Vision:
The strategic vision of the Off-Broadway Theatre is to foster educational excellence in and through the art of theatre. This vision is carried out by the faculty and staff of Shadow Creek High School through artistry and engagement. This vision builds on the core values of Alvin ISD that contribute to the educational experience and embrace teaching, scholarly/creative work, and service by:

To support our vision, we offer the following goals:

To offer a challenging theatre education.Provide diverse and integrated courses and cross-curricular collaboration within the arts and throughout the rest of the core curriculum. Foster an environment in which classroom study and practical experience in production are of equal and complementary value. To provide students with a rigorous artistic education in preparation for a variety of career and life choices.

To create and present a diverse season of significant live theatre in order to train students and engage audiences with high quality productions.Select plays that will challenge (all) students in production. Produce plays and projects that encompass a wide range of theatrical material and production styles which will enhance the cultural life of the community.

To foster a creative atmosphere which will encourage students to take intellectual and artistic risks. Create and maintain a secure and safe environment. Develop and maintain open communication. Enhance self-confidence.