Mark Twain Gazette

 February 6, 2024

2nd edition

Edited by: Heidi

Picture by: Brooklyn

Article written by: Brooklyn, Emilie, Natalia

Delicious + nutritious = HEALTHY FOOD

              Here's why you need to eat healthy food choices at school. Eating healthy helps you get stronger. Fruits & vegetables are healthy foods to eat. For example, carrots help with your eyes. Food gives us energy, for example, bananas. Some foods give you hydration, like watermelon, which is full of water. These foods help you with your strength, eyes, energy, and hydration.

   Healthy Foods And Why You Should Eat Them

     Why do people have to eat healthy foods? Eating healthy foods is very important for your health. Have you ever read the ingredients in your food box?   Well, you should, because there could be dangerous chemicals in what you eat.   Healthy foods make you stronger. For example, spinach makes you very strong.    Some foods can even hydrate you. like pineapple , it’s full of water.  Eating healthy is important because it can hydrate you and make you stronger.

A lot of people ask “Why do we need to eat healthy food at home’’  One reason people need to eat healthy foods at home is because you need to be healthy to live a long life. Another reason people need to eat healthy foods at home is because it’s much easier than making a large meal, EX: instead of making a full meal you can just grab an apple.

Also people need to eat healthy foods at home is because certain foods give you energy. And last people need to eat healthy foods is because they give you stronger bones. You need to eat healthy foods at home because it gives you a longer life,it’s easier,gives you energy,and makes you stronger. 

Tiger TIckets

Have you ever wondered how to collect tiger tickets?

To collect them, you need to show the golden rule. The golden rule is to treat others the way you wanna be treated.! Oh, that is not it you can also do more, like trustworthiness, integrity, grit, empathy, and respect. You can also earn them by sitting quietly and putting your name on the paper. So now you know how to collect them.

Totally Tiger Tickets

Have you ever wondered what tiger tickets are? I'm here to tell you. Tiger tickets are a currency that students use to purchase items from the school store. Tiger tickets mean” T-trustworthy, I-integrity, G-grit, E-empathy, and R-respect,” which spells Tiger. Tiger tickets can be worth 1, 5, 10, 20, 100. I hope this article helped you understand what tiger tickets are.

Why don't teachers give out tiger tickets?

I think teachers don't give out tiger tickets because they give out other prizes. I've seen other reward systems, like treasure boxes, during class. I asked Mrs. Henson, who said sometimes teachers can't access tiger tickets. I asked Ms. V, and she said sometimes they don't have time to pass out tickets. Teachers don't give out tiger tickets because they don't have access or time.  Do your teachers give out tiger tickets?

Article written by: Vanessa, Asher, and Zoey

Do you want to get cool prizes?

What are passes?

Passes are little papers. If you buy one, you can bring a stuffed animal, or you can do a show and tell your choice. 


50 tickets 

Just for 50 tickets, there are pins, cute little books, candy, and passes.

500 tickets

For 500 tickets, you can get shirts, a purse, a backpack, and more.

Exclusive deals

You can choose to eat with the principal or vice principal.

There is lots to choose from, so work hard.

Article written by: Marcelina